
The ant and the Grasshopper

Once in a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. There also lived an ant nearby the grasshopper’s nest. They became good friends. It was springtime and the grasshopper was having a lot of fun playing, singing, and dancing in the sun. But the ant was hard working. It was collecting food grains and storing them in its house for the winter. 
The grasshopper did not understand why the ant was doing so much hard work and keeping for winter. He asked, “Hey,’ Ant! Why don’t you come outside and play with me?” The ant replied, “I cannot. I am storing food for the winter when there won’t be anything to eat!” The grasshopper only laughed at the ant and said, “Why are you worrying now? There is plenty of food!” and continued to play, while the ant worked hard. 

When winter came, the grasshopper did not find a single grain of food to eat. It began to starve and feel very weak. The grasshopper saw how the hardworking ant had plenty of food to eat and realized its foolishness.


  1. Nicely depicted. Here's another great version of the story which i came across Highly recommended

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