
The Mice and The Doves

Once a dove and a mouse were living a forest. Bo the dove and the mouse were the king of the respective community. They were good friend. At the time of need they were helping each other. Both were leading their community. Both were leading their community effectively.

One day the dove king and his fellow doves were flying in the jungle. Suddenly they saw lot of grains in the ground. The young doves were eager to eat those grains. But the king dove asked them not to be hurry and observed the situation minutely. He said it is unnatural to find a huge grain inside the forest. He said it may be a trap by any hunter. But the young doves didn't listened him. All doves came to the ground to eat grain. The king dove also followed the young doves under compulsion. In fact a hunter had spread a net to trap the doves. The net was not visible from the top. When the land on the net all the doves got trapped.

Now the all doves were afraid and cursed themselves for not listing the dove king. But the dove king was not lost his patience. He asked all the doves to be brave and not loose the patience. After boosting their moral he asked all the doves to fly together. When the entire dove started flying they lift up the net and flied in the sky. All the doves flying together took the net  to the place where the mice were living.

The king dove asked his friend the mouse king to help them. The mouse king called all his fellow mice and helps him to cut the net. The mice cut the net with their sharp teeth. By this way they liberated the trapped doves.

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