
The Monkey and the Fishermen

Once there was a monkey was sitting up in a high tree when, seeing two fishermen laying their nets in a river, he watched what they were doing. At midday, the men went off to eat and left their nets on the river-bank, intending to use them again after lunch. The monkey came down from the tree, thinking that he would try his hand at the same sport and catch some fishes. 

But in attempting to lay the nets he got so entangled in them, that being well-nigh choked, he was forced to exclaim; said the monkey, now I have learnt that it is better to leave the task to those who know how to do. In the mean time two fishers came and rescue the monkey. Finally monkey leave that place and never came again. 


  1. Moral of the Story:
    It is better to leave the task to those who know how to do.

  2. Moral of the Story:
    It is better to leave the task to those who know how to do.
