
Animal Stories

The Cock and the Jackal:

Once upon a time there lived a Cock with his family in his master’s home. One fine evening sun was setting in west and the Cock flew into a tree to rest. Before he composed himself to rest, he flapped his wings three times and crowed loudly. He was about to put his head under his wing, he saw there was a fox stood under the tree.

The fox said hello dear, have you heard the good news? "What news?" asked the Cock very calmly but he was afraid of the fox so much. You don’t know all of your family members and other animals have agreed to live in peace in nearby forest. Just think of it! I came here to let you know this good news. Do come down, dear friend, and let us celebrate the joyful event of this evening.

“How my dear” said the Cock. I certainly am delighted at the news. But he spoke in an absent way, and stretching up on tread softly, seemed to be looking at something far away. What is it you see? -asked the fox a little nervously.
I think a couple of Dogs coming this way. They must have heard the good news and…

But the Fox did not wait to hear more. Off he started to run towards the forest. Wait my dear, why are running? The Dogs are friends of yours now! Yes, but they might not have heard the news. Besides, I have a very important duty that I had almost forgotten about. So I must go there and do that. The Cock smiled as he masked his head in his feathers and went to sleep, for he had succeeded in his enemy.