The fox and the Grapes

Once a hungry fox went in search of food. Though he wandered here and there the whole day, he could not get anything to eat. At last he reached a garden and was delighted to see grapes hanging from a vine. He thought that his search for food had not gone in vain.

He was extremely pleased to see the grapes which were ripe and appealing. The sight of the nice looking grapes made the fox’s mouth water. As the grapes were very high, he jumped to get hold of them. But his effort was in vain. Not willing to give up, he jumped again and again to get hold of the grapes. But the grapes were too high for the fox.

After some more attempts, the fox became exhausted. He had no choice but to give up his efforts. Finally, being unable to reach for the grapes, he consoled himself with the thought that the grapes are sour and would make him sick if he ate them.


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