
Modern Stories

Once upon a time there was a greedy farmer. He owned a beautiful hen that laid a golden egg every day. He was extremely happy. Everyday he took that egg to market and sell it. He returns home with some money. 

There are four members staying in his family. So in this little money they share their foods and clothes. But after some days they got a huge problem. So for them only one egg could not satisfy his greed. It was a slow process to get only one egg after one day.

So he said to himself, "One egg a day. It will take long to be solve my problem." Thinking of this he grew so impatient that he wanted to get all the egg at once. He made up his mind to put the hen to death and become rich in an over­night. He thought this hen will give me more egges at a time.

He killed the hen with a sharp knife. At once and cut open its belly to get all those eggs. He began to look for the eggs but there was none to be found.

He saw that his hen was just like other hens. By his stupid act he lost his hen and even the egg he used to get every day. Thus the foolish fellow lost the hen that laid a golden egg daily.

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