Talking Cave: The Jackal and The Lion

A jackal was leaving in a cafe deep forest. The jackal was a very intelligent and jolly animal. He was spending his days very happily in that forest. The lion king was living near by the cave of the jackal.

One day as usual the jackal came out from his café. He played happily in front of his cave for a while. After that he went to the forest in search of his hunt. The lion king was observing all this from a distance.

On that day the lion king didn’t found any animal for his food. At the evening he became very hungry. At last he decided to kill the jackal and eat him. So he went near cave of the jackal. He observed everything and entered inside the cave. He waited inside the cave for the arrival of the jackal.

The jolly jackal came back from the forest after hunting his food. On the way to his cave he didn’t find the lion king at his usual place. He became cautious and approaches his cave carefully. At the entrance of his cave he find the pug marks of the lion. He became very carefully. He examined all the pug marks carefully. He find there all the pug marks leading inside the cave. But there was no return pug marks of the lion.

Now the intelligent jackal assumes that the lion has entered inside his cave. But he is not certain that he has left the cave. So possibility that the lion is inside the cave and he may attack him. But he had conform this matter in order to go inside his cave. He thought a plan to find out the reality.

At a safe distance from his cave he asked the cave, “O’ My dear cave please give me a welcome shout. Otherwise I will not go inside”. Then he remained mum for a while. Once again he said “O’ my dear cave I am asking for the last time gives a welcome shout otherwise I am leaving”.

The lion thought that the jackal talks regularly with the cave. As he is inside, the cave is not replying the jackal. So the lion gave a welcome roar.By listening the roar of the lion, the jackal became certain that the lion is inside the cave. He ran away from that place to save his life.